Mountain bike forums
Mountain bike forums

mountain bike forums

OK that's a overly negative version of events, but I think you're better off looking at the Park Tools site for tech tips, the mags for bike reviews and here for relaxed chat about bikes and stuff. The tech sections are ok as long as you can bare the nerds who want every single details of everything before offering advice, which is usually that what you're doing is wrong. There is also some strange idea that the level of bike you choose to buy should be justified by how good you claim to be, not what you want to spend on it. No trail is ever harder or more fun than their own 'hidden trail'. I once saw a tread entitled "how big a drop can you safely hit on a hardtail" First reply is always some bike nerd who claims they can only say if they know the complete spec of the bike and rider weight, then OP duly does, the bike nerd never replies again, then it's 9 pages of kids claiming higher and higher drops they've done (usually higher than they claimed the page before) until some 14 year old is claiming Joss Bender in his heyday type stuff on his 300 Quid HT. Bike Hub - Mountain biking, road cycling and multisport discussions. If someone writes about some ride or jump then the next one has done it faster or higher. Best type of bike This is one of the most talked about issues on forums and magazines when it comes to Alpine riding. Welcome to the SA 4x4 Community Forum, the only forum for the off-road enthusiast.

mountain bike forums

They're mostly full of kids who play endless games of one up manship.

Mountain bike forums